New data from powerhouse parenting website BabyCenter about mothers and social media reveals an interesting metric for omni-channel retailers: Moms account for 58 percent of all online spending and those who use social media on a regular basis are even more likely to engage in e-commerce.
The 2013 Social Mom Report surveyed 2,500 moms who are heavily engaged online, from blogs to Twitter to Facebook to Instagram.
The report reveals that when it comes time to bust open their wallets, moms who are among the top 20 percent of social-media users shell out more cash online almost across the board, in retail categories including:
- Mobile phones (+124 percent)
- Food and beverage (+96 percent)
- Toys and games (+82 percent)
- Apparel (+61 percent)
Michael Fogarty, SVP/Global Group Publisher for BabyCenter, writes on Media Post that the study also reveals 91 percent of moms use social media on a regular basis—or 20 percent more than the general population.
Digital moms are also heavy mobile users. Mobile technology helps them multitask—and 23% of moms use their mobile devices for shopping, as compared to 15% of the general population.
Gartner predicts that the global m-commerce market will reach $617 billion by 2016, and mobile strategies targeting mothers could be a huge pay-off.
And moms aren’t online because they have time on their hands, reminds Fogarty. In fact, most new moms have 10 fewer hours of leisure time in their days, once baby comes along. Moms are using social media because it makes them more efficient.
We already know that winning the online customer means creating compelling experiences. Customer-centric brands will be the big winners as content and context continue to evolve as a means of long-term consumer engagement. Leverage data to find out how moms are interacting with your brand online to tap of this rich vein of potential.
According to BabyCenter’s Fogarty:
The key to engaging Social Mom is to recognize how different her new life is, filled with new priorities and new needs. Brands that support her busy life, nurturing her journey with thoughtful solutions, build strong connections with the most social (and influential) consumer in the marketplace today.