Last updated: Single subscription plans are not enough to grow your business

Single subscription plans are not enough to grow your business


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A long time ago, I was involved in a partially-successful attempt to build a subscription billing system for an internet start-up in the early days of web business. This experience left me convinced that subscription plans – specifically the free-model version – would win the internet, as nobody had the time nor expertise to deal with subscription billing.

This is not the case anymore.

When you decide to start offering a subscription to your services, there are a variety of companies who offer convenient, cloud-based recurring billing solutions.

How to start building subscription plans for your business

In the beginning, you may prefer to go with a simple subscription model by selecting a set of features and a price point that would be attractive to the biggest customer segment.

While this is a good plan to start growing your subscription plans, it leaves a lot of money on the table because some of your customers will be willing to pay extra for advanced features.

There are also price-sensitive customers who would love to use your service if you can offer them either a cheaper plan or a pay-as-you-go option.

Scaling the future of subscription plans: Simple payments, multiple options will be required

As industries develop, subscriptions plans have become more complex. Netflix has started with a single plan, and is moving now to multiple options.

The telco industry is also a great example of how complex subscription offering can be in a mature and highly competitive market.

To maximize revenue potential via subscription plans, you should be able to:

  1. Define complex subscription plans that cater to different segments of your market
  2. Offer a flexible combination of recurring and one-time prices
  3. Offer a number of additional services with pay per usage charges

In addition, you will need a robust entitlement and metering solution to control access to your services and generate per usage charges.

Subscription business model offers a lot of ways to define flexible offerings that fit the needs, budgets, and desires of your customers, and businesses must rapidly adopt subscription models to thrive in the future.

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