Millennial and Gen Z employment: 7 things young talent wants in a job
Millennial and Gen Z employment are entering the labor market in full force. While companies witness new sets of expectations when it comes to work life.
A connected public sector is critical – after all, citizens expect governments to be just as available as brands – especially during a crisis. Given projections that 70% of the global population is living in urban areas, it seems imperative that public sector leaders everywhere understand what services are important to their constituents.
We asked over 500 people from 45 different countries about what areas are critical to them when it comes to connected cities, having them prioritize seven citizen-facing aspects. The results were fascinating, demonstrating that public sector organizations need to start acting now in order to meet the needs of their citizens – both current residents and future city dwellers.
Regardless of generation, a consistent thread woven throughout the survey results is a tremendous concern about data privacy.
In a day and age where we hear story after story after story about digital trust being broken, if citizens suspect that their data won’t be secure, or fear it may be used for purposes other than the original intent, they won’t share their information.
When it comes to technological savvy, Generation Z leads all generations, but demonstrate a reluctance to adopt new technologies unless there is a clear value, and data privacy is promised.
When contrasted with baby boomers, Generation X, and millennials, Generation Z are the most cautious online users. Providing services with ease and success to this generation directly correlates to their level of trust and the benefits they believe they’ll gain by engaging digitally.
The most prominent concern among Gen X’ers is the ability to leverage civic infrastructure in order to better connect with their community.
With the future of civic engagement in their hands, cities need to develop ways to engage other generations and groups so that they will see value and contribute to their communities.
Millennial and Gen Z employment are entering the labor market in full force. While companies witness new sets of expectations when it comes to work life.
Millennials, who are in their prime working years, were greatly concerned with having efficient, connected, and fast commutes to and from work, as well as digital options with regards to transportation for other purposes.
Nearly digital natives, when it comes to civic engagement, Millennials – similar to Gen Z and Gen X – would like to be able to seamlessly access city services and public sector information with ease via technology.
A small caveat: Though it would seem that Millennials would rank digital capabilities as high as Gen Z and Gen X, they actually rate that in the middle in terms of digital priorities.
How can companies attract top talent through - and beyond - the Great Resignation and post-pandemic labor shortage?
Who says we can’t agree on anything?
All participants ranked the ability to access current information, via any device, as very important, as well as the ability to pay for services using contactless payment options.
As caring for aging loved ones becomes more prevalent, imagine a connected citizenship that could easily access needed public services for a loved one with the click of a finger. A relationship “permission” model could allow constituents to delegate authority to individuals who could act on their behalf – for example grandparents or relatives requiring care.
It’s not just non-profits who recognize the importance of contactless payment: all generations are in agreement that paying for bills and services should be seamless, and require just a couple of clicks.
Public sectors should pay attention to this trend – when payment alternatives are made simple citizens are more likely to pay their bills on time, thus funding city services in a timely manner.
Consumers have changed their buying - and paying - habits this year. Businesses must offer contactless payment to keep customers.
In discussing creating a smarter London, Theo Blackwell notes that city leadership needs access to city data so they can improve public services and gain a better understanding of what residents and business find important.
By engaging with their citizenship, officials can discover how people and companies feel about various service programs.
If we look at our 500+ survey respondents from 45 countries as a microcosm of the world, and compare it to London, one of the most multicultural cities in the world, what would this information mean to a Chief Digital Officer, who is imperative in Theo Blackwell’s roadmap for a Smarter London?
Using London’s dataset on custom age tables to look at the population breakdown by generation, the biggest generation group – by far – are Millennials, followed by Gen Z:
Millennials |
2,462,500 |
Gen Z |
1,917,500 |
Gen X | 1,855,000 |
Baby Boomers | 1,451,900 |
From the data we collected, I expect that Baby Boomers and Gen X will be the generations most likely to participate in the discussions, while Millennials and Gen Z will be least likely to engage – yet these groups are the biggest cohorts, and most important to engage for the future of London.
Connecting with these generations, because, as our data shows, there are distinct differences in their priorities that cannot be overlooked.
Improve citizen engagement via digital channels to provide services to the public sector quickly, efficiently, and consistently.
The most important takeaway for public sectors to understand is that citizens expect the same convenience, availability, service, and connectivity from their governments and municipalities as they are accustomed to in their personal lives.
If public organizations incorporate mobile user experiences and omnichannel methods to engage their constituents and create a connected public sector, there’s a fantastic opportunity to drive positive and lasting change that will better the lives of all city dwellers. The question is, what are they waiting for?