Generation Z stats: How marketers can reach the up-and-coming buyer
Everything you wanted to know about The Youth but were afraid to ask: Gen Z stats on the values, deal-breakers, rules of engagement, and trends of our future business leaders.
Live video streaming isn’t a new concept; what is new is the availability of technology and apps that make streaming more accessible to a wide range of users.
It’s no longer necessary to invest in expensive hardware and software that only the biggest brands could afford. Smaller businesses and consumers have been getting involved since early last year, and its expected that video and video streaming are going to explode in 2016.
The user doesn’t have to wait for the entire file to download, but rather view the content in packets in a continuous stream; the video is uncompressed and displayed as it arrives to a compatible player. The live context of video streaming involves a source media that captures the content, encoding and publishing solutions to transmit the video, and a content delivery network to distribute the content to viewers.
Live-streaming video is cheap, highly engaging, and easy to pull off.
The earliest live video streaming events occurred in the mid-1990s and were one-time events as opposed to continuous streaming from a location; most notably, a 1995 Major League Baseball game was streamed over the internet for the playoffs.
These days, live streaming video has become a key marketing and communications tool that helps brands reach their online audience among other uses. And they don’t need to put up a significant investment to do so, as theres an array of inexpensive and free applications available.
Everything you wanted to know about The Youth but were afraid to ask: Gen Z stats on the values, deal-breakers, rules of engagement, and trends of our future business leaders.
The future of shopping is entertainment. It's not enough to have an online storefront – brands must do more. Consumers today are looking for novel, immersive, and entertaining shopping experiences.
Marc Jacobs recently incorporated live video streaming via Periscope to launch the brands Pre-Summer 2016 clothing launch, giving the media and consumers an exclusive look at the upcoming line.
Not only did the audience get a glimpse at the next years fashion trends, but were also able to participate in Q&A sessions with designers further increasing levels of engagement.
Followers also gained insight into the styles, fabrics and textures and inspiration behind the launch.
Brands in the fashion industry are missing the mark when it comes to delivering top-notch customer experiences.
Consumers and brands are on both ends of the video streaming spectrum, both creating feeds and viewing them. And we’re going it for a variety of reasons to view events we can’t attend and to connect with loved ones far away. Companies are using the technology in their marketing efforts to live-stream the conventions, presentations, and conferences that we want to see.
They’re even using live streaming to reach their own team members spread out across the globe.