Last updated: People over platforms: What every seller must know about mobile marketing and enterprise clients

People over platforms: What every seller must know about mobile marketing and enterprise clients


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Here’s what every mobile-marketing platform seller should know on their first day pitching technology solutions to enterprise: it’s not really about your organization’s software; it’s about your organization’s people.

It all comes down to the experts who empower marketing and brands — and sellers — to drive campaign success. Of course, sellers and clients still appreciate a solid example of marketing-dashboard tech with all the bells and whistles, but at the end of the day enterprise cares most about positive campaign outcomes; they’re not necessarily in the game to learn every intricacy of a toolkit that creates those results.

Mobile marketing and empowering sellers

Understanding this distinction means location-powered and mobile-marketing leaders in the enterprise space don’t have to limit themselves to labels like software-as-a-service business; they’re in the client-empowerment space, after all.

With this in mind, the following tactics fuel a hands-on approach to connecting with enterprise, empowering sellers to earn clients’ confidence, and contracts, from the very start.

  • Activate top sellers with one-to-one deal coaching. Most marketing-technology partners would be amazed by what a 20-minute strategy call can do for even their top sellers’ confidence. If we recognize the value of our platform offering, then we should make it easier for sellers to present that value to new clients. Helping our sellers connect the dots faster happens when we give them the tools (presentations, mocks, sales scripts) they need and then let them get to work.

  • Arm sellers with spec art. Every advertiser wants to know exactly what location-powered mobile creative is going to look and work like on consumers’ screens. This is especially true for enterprise. When we enable our sellers to actively show clients the power of our technology, it makes it easier for them to seal the deal. From expandable rich-media banners to targeted, contextual mobile creative, spec art that illustrates next-generation advertising in action sells the story we want to tell about platforms.

  • Create custom sales presentations. Seller trainings and presentations often focus on explaining the power of mobile’s targeting, creative, and campaign reporting. There are an infinite number of possibilities, however, and most enterprise advertisers aren’t looking for infinite-they’re looking for relevant and specific. When we give sellers presentations packed with details about what a platform can do for the specific client, these are the details that allow sellers to close more often. Taking the time, ahead of time, to learn and include this level of specificity is how the organization’s people make the real difference at pitch-time.

  • Put on the uniform and help. Top-performing sellers aren’t afraid to build bridges as they are crossing an abyss, but sometimes they need a little boost along the way. If the details of how a platform works are complex, then it makes all the sense in the world for developers and marketing leaders to get into the mix. When key players join the seller, in-person, helping them break out specific advantages for the client in play, they create new opportunities to win contracts. Also, as sellers learn from these sessions their sales approach evolves and strengthens overall.

As mobile marketers, we keep our platforms at the center of our work. Being an active partner in the answer-equation for enterprise goes far beyond sales activation and sales enablement, however. The key to being the kind of active partner that our clients ultimately demand is to augment the value of the platform by taking in-house expertise into the trenches, conveying conviction in our products by joining our sellers — and our clients — in a process by which success builds on success, one contract at a time.

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