Last updated: Charting a new course: The top 5 posts that embody innovation

Charting a new course: The top 5 posts that embody innovation


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Will you lead, or will you follow? This is an important question that successful leaders ask themselves frequently. Innovating means taking risks, but not looking to the future almost certainly guarantees that you won’t have one in the digital age.

In the spirit of innovation, we’re sharing five posts that are critical to navigating the sea of change in this new economy.

No turning back: The future is here

Whether change is embraced or whether it is battled against, it still arrives.

In this wildly popular post by Isabelle Roussin, she uses Daft Punk “to illustrate the realities of the disrupted economy we currently live in.”

Economic metamorphosis

Our economy has changed drastically in the last ten years, and it isn’t over. If you want to survive, you must go digital.

Ruchi Verma notes that a recent study by Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Accenture reports that companies who reach a higher level of digital maturity are 26% more profitable, grow 9% faster, and achieve 12% higher market valuations than their industry peers.

In this post, Verma shares the secrets of how to achieve a successful digital transformation.

Beyond CRM

Convenience is a commodity highly valued by consumers, and if a company isn’t providing it, they stand to lose their customers. Outside of the old realm of customer relationship management lies a new dawn of customer engagement.

In this post by Angela Schuller, she details the imperativeness of marketing in the moment.

Lead, follow, or lose

The rapid changes in technology have led to drastic changes in how a business engages with customers and makes money. If businesses aren’t prepared to go digital, they simply cannot survive today.

Shane Finlay delves into the requirements of doing business in this new era.

Executive decisions: Leading your company into the future

Members of the C-suite put the livelihood of their companies at risk if they ignore the digital revolution, warns Alicia Hatch of Deloitte Digital. In this post, she details three ways execs can foster change to stay competitive.

Modern business, meet revenue:
– End-to-end connected data
– Engage quickly with a great CX
– Sell anytime, anywhere

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