Last updated: Use machine learning to become a marketing rock star

Use machine learning to become a marketing rock star


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Do you remember a moment when you heard an artist or band that made all other music obsolete to you? Most likely the music transported you to a place where it felt as though you could be a rock star, too.

Though not as glamorous and fame-filled as your favorite singer, marketing professionals can transform themselves into marketing rock stars, finding and playing the latest and greatest harmonies to push your brand to the top of the billboard charts.

Planning is worth the effort – it is the foundation of success

How can you find the next guitar riff or sound that will enhance your rockstar capabilities? First, ask yourself: Are you currently planning your marketing campaigns for the next period? Even if you are not, you should step back and reflect if you are able measure the impact on your brand and on your customer experience.

Often, external agencies have had to track the brand visibility of television content, which has been a time-consuming manual business. With the proliferation of channels, content versions, and audience fragmentation, manual measurements cannot scale with the increased magnitude of the task.

As a result, branding professionals are often left guessing about the impact sponsorship investments have on their business without sound data-driven analysis to back their choices, or in the best case, getting their results after weeks. That is far too long for a marketing captain to run a campaign when they don’t know where to steer.

Measure brand impact with the power of machine learning

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could automatically analyze brand exposure in videos and images by leveraging advanced computer vision techniques? You can.

Now, marketers are able to detect brand assets in moving images and can measure their exposure in terms of time, on-screen size, location, and additional parameters that influence viewer recognition. The best part is that these insights can be gained in almost real-time with the help of a marketing machine. Now you can compare the visitor and conversion rates on your digital channels too, and get a sense of the incremental impact of your brand campaign.

If you are in the partner or sponsoring business, for example, you can use your current business intelligence environment to connect sales and financial data in your SAP systems, or your website statistics with the results of your brand exposure analysis. These tools allow you to evaluate how your sponsorship activities influence your customer responses.

In both ways you are able to react and adapt your campaign in order to increase conversion rates, or analyze how to find your optimal target groups.

Get the best for your customer – and your company

Another area marketers should apply focus is with their existing customers and brand loyalty. Many companies put a lot of effort from sales and marketing in the game of how to win a customer, but they fail when it comes to the question of how to retain the customers and turn them into loyal customers, or even brand advocates.

Instead of bombarding your customers with offers that do not reflect their current situation or customer phase, you should spend more time analyzing them and make your contact with them after the analysis contextual and relevant.

This method accomplishes two things: First, you are creating precise offers to a precise target group. Second, the conversion rate here is much higher, of course. With the help of these insights, you could automatically identify events and early indicators related to certain behavior (like churn) of your customers.

You can also detect customers-at-risk at an early stage. The machine learning powered system can discover the best way to interact with your consumer without displacing them, so you can prevent churn and address root causes inside your business.

Email marketing: The remix

A marketing rockstar wouldn’t be complete without adding some new chords to their scale. Even in good old email marketing there is room for improvement. You can harness the power of machine learning to improve A/B testing and new inbox preview features that will make your life as a marketer much easier.

When you get over the hurdle of relevancy, you will see that email marketing is still working well, especially when you use email marketing after having received a rock-solid permission to react based on a request. The first thing your prospect or customer is recognizing after your brand is the subject line. This is more than a text line. It is the key for you to enter the game.

Imagine a tool that can review and recommend a subject line of an email for maximum response. Before rockstars enter the stage, they practice, rehearse again, optimize their sound until their fingers ache. Marketing rockstars do exactly the same. Before their email dispatch, the real stars do testing.

New inbox preview features that enable a marketer to preview their email for responsive design across devices, email clients, and recognize browsers help them get ready for the big stage. Even a spam filter check on the email content is possible.

Multi-platinum results with machine learning marketing tools

Marketing tools enhance their artists more and better than before. With the power of machine learning, marketers can measure the impact on TV and video campaigns in almost realtime, prevent churn, and help customers stay loyal to your brand. Last, but not least, with relevant email marketing made with preview functionality, you are able to optimize your results before even starting your campaign, which is an excellent move for your customer experience and smart choice for your marketing budget.

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