Last updated: Shaken, not stirred: Concocting the perfect commerce platform migration

Shaken, not stirred: Concocting the perfect commerce platform migration


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Our team recently attended B2B Online in Chicago this month. Among the many vendors’ ploys to increase booth traffic was a bright idea: cocktails. If you dropped by this booth, you got your own Moscow mule. Before long, it seemed like every attendee was carrying around a Moscow mule in its signature (and vendor branded) copper mug.

Hats off to great marketing!

Moscow mules, mint juleps, and tumeric gin smashes: crafting cocktails has certainly evolved. It’s fair to assume that if that vendor had been pouring Coca Cola over vodka, the branding affect would be dismal.

In a lot of ways, the shift in mixing cocktails mirrors commerce platform transformation. Many commerce platform decisions that were made five, ten, or fifteen years go were the “pouring Coca Cola over vodka” method. An organization needed a commerce solution, and available was a basic platform to get the job done.

Today, there are more commerce platforms to choose from that combine the art of personalization with the science of great architecture. Migrating to a more robust solution with a comprehensive approach can cut costs, time and complexities, enabling organizations to focus on innovation and strategy.

Are you interested in trading in that vodka-soda for a hot toddy?

There are many reasons why organizations may choose to migrate from one commerce platform to another. Perhaps they’ve outgrown their current tool and need a larger platform that will scale with the business. In other cases, the vendor is requiring its users upgrade to newer version of the platform.

When facing an arduous and time-intensive upgrade, users will instead consider other solutions that can better position the organization for growth.

In both cases, the idea of migration can seem daunting.

Cue: an experienced partner with platform migration conversion kits. I believe that concocting the perfect commerce platform migration can be done swiftly.

When using a pre-built migration framework that quickly converts business data, catalogs, products, inventory, categories, customers, orders, and all other critical data – migration can be achieved straight up.

Whether the needs are neat, naked, or with a twist, here is what an effective conversion kit looks like in order to migrate to a more robust commerce platform.

Migration Requirements:

1 Legacy and/or Limited eCommerce Platform

1 New and Robust eCommerce Platform Solution

1 Preferred Migration Partner with Converision Kit
90 Days for Migration

Dash of unique personalization

Garnish: Global Scalability


  1. Extract Legacy Data
    Work with the client and the parametiers of the legacy commerce platform to pull the required data for effective migration.
  2. Validate Legacy Data
    Ensure data quality via validation. Using rules and restraints, confirm compliance with coding best practices and the new commerce platform best practices.
  3. Convert Legacy Data
    Assess code for upgradability, unit test quality, error handling, performance and security. Convert and optimize for the new commerce platform.
  4. Load Data into New Platform
    Map and upload cleansed and optimized data into the new platform.

Using this conversion kit – and with an experienced partner – migration can be accomplished in 90 days. This allows an organization to go to market faster with a more robust platform, without sacrificing the quality of the user experience or architecture before, during and after migration.

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