Last updated: The winds of change: Marketing in modern times

The winds of change: Marketing in modern times


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In our day to day working lives as marketers we often don’t get a chance to rise above our busy daily schedules and tasks to really observe our customers.

No doubt customers have changed – and continue to change – and there are important implications regarding how marketers must adjust to our ever-morphing customers.

Marketing in modern times

Marketing in modern times means understanding several key elements:

  1. How B2B and B2C brands are moving towards a digital or mobile-first presence as the demand for convenience grows.
  2. What measures brands are taking to meet heightened customer expectations across all touchpoints.
  3. How brands are meeting the challenge of keeping up with more informed, educated, and fluid customers.
  4. How external factors – beyond a brand’s control – can create additional challenges…or opportunities.

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