Last updated: Drive consistent personalization across the journey

Drive consistent personalization across the journey


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If your marketing technology landscape looks more like a spaghetti dinner plate, well, you are not alone. For many years, marketing leaders had carte blanche authority to invest in whatever customer interaction tools and technology needed to help meet their business objectives.

Who can blame them? We are all trying to do our jobs to connect and engage with the digital customer. But ironically, the attempts to better engage customers has created the very barrier to effectively achieving the goal of delivering personalized customer experiences across channels.

Email, web, call centers, social, oh my!

On average, marketing departments have 15 customer management systems and 11 different customer interaction systems like email, web, call center, social, etc. that they work with daily.

The issue is that each of these interaction solutions can be optimized for personalization within its silo channel(s).Individual siloed channels may be optimized in of themselves, but since they’re based on partial customer profile information, they will fail in delivering the best personalized experiences.

For example, email systems can be setup to respond to the last offer the customer responded to, and at the same time the web storefront can be setup to personalize the web experience based on the customer’s last purchased items, and the social marketing tool can push content based on the customer’s latest social “likes,” and so on for the other interaction channels.

And customers engaging with a business through all of these channels will end up having disconnected experiences by receiving different offers and treatments across all the different interaction channels.


Don’t say better, DO better

In order to create consistent customer experiences across channels, marketers need a single unified customer profile and a contextual intelligence engine that can determine the right context for each customer engagement across all channels.

This personalization engine will determine the best scenario for each customer context whether the scenario is an acquisition, retention, cross-sell, or up-sell scenario. It will invoke the best machine learning model to determine the best message for that particular scenario.

If you want to achieve true personalization across the entire customer journey, first work towards building a dynamic single view of customer information that can be shared across all interaction channels, and ensure that you have a personalization platform that can integrate with the relevant interaction channels to orchestrate individual-based personalization across all channels and devices.

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