It’s an editor’s mystery for the ages: You’re in love with the content, you’ve perfected the copy, written engaging h3’s, and have killer images for a post that you adore, and you’re certain that it will perform fantastically.
But for one reason or another, it doesn’t get the attention or social traction that it deserves.
Was it the A/B testing of publication times? Was the title too long? Was the title too short? Should you have used a different slug? Should social media share times get moved around?
For one reason or another, sometimes the content we love doesn’t get the love that it deserves.
Over the last year as we’ve tested and revised the site, there have been a few posts that stand out as being far more deserving of attention.
If thought leadership and creativity are your thing, I promise, these posts are for you.
Back to the past: Imagining innovation during the era of mixed tapes
This post has it all – creativity, nostalgia, a nod to Nirvana…what more could you ask for?
3 ways companies can reinvent themselves in the Digital Renaissance
Featuring one of my all-time favorite images and some heavenly writing, the mystery of this post not being featured as one of our most popular will always confound me.
Building a brand that leads to the iron throne
Game of Thrones. Need I say more? This is such a fantastic post on building loyalty and being true to your customers. And you don’t need to binge watch anything to catch up!
Is the digital assistant the death of retail or its savior?
Alexa, order readers to engage with this content now, because it will make them so much smarter. When it comes to conversational commerce, this is one of the best posts out there. But don’t take my word for it – take the author’s.
How commerce and CRM software could save our planet
What if data and CRM software could save our planet? Some of the brightest minds in the world believe that they can – and you will, too, after reading this post.
Video killed the cold calling star
From the moment I laid eyes upon this post, I loved it, and I know that you will as well – you can even call collect – we’ll cover the charges.