Last updated: Personalizing CX: The art of selling or the selling of art?

Personalizing CX: The art of selling or the selling of art?


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Too much emphasis is placed on the art of selling and not enough on the selling of art. The latter has just as much of an impact on business as the other, but for completely different reasons.

While the art of selling focuses on improving the selling experience, the selling of art focuses on improving the way a customer experiences that piece of art. How does the future of your organization look? Is it dependent on selling products or selling experiences? Or both? Is the personalizing CX on your radar?

Personalizing CX requires vision and innovation

Imagine for a moment, how a conversation between Vincent Van Gogh and Sir Isaac Newton regardingStarry Night might have gone.

Initially, your mind likely tries to make sense of that question by acknowledging the notable differences of one being a mathematician and the other an artist, but let’s say their conversation was centered around creating a superior customer experience.

Van Gogh wants to create imagery that can’t be paraphrased, but instead individualized, in a way that each viewer or aesthete has an experience that’s based on a unique blend of strokes.

Newton, on the other hand, doesn’t believe that any of this can be accomplished unless the effectiveness of each stroke is measured. This very scenario is being echoed throughout the business arena today.

Regardless of your industry, the customer experience is repeatedly surpassing price and product as key brand differentiators. According to a Walker study, “Meeting customer expectations in the new decade means shifting from being “customer focused” to “customer committed.”

For this reason alone, organizations need to accept the customer experience as a prerequisite for achieving revenue growth, and must make metric-based adjustments to improve ineffective processes.

In the future, try thinking of your organization’s selling, marketing, commerce, service, and data management processes as business art – how will your customers experience each? Without this kind of vision, it’s likely that your customers will become former customers as they flock to the business galleries offering more holistic views.

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