There’s a lot going on. Here are today’s COVID-19 updates that you should know.
Your daily dose of hope
The FDA has approved a two-minute test kit for COVID-19.
Some insurers in the U.S. have agreed to waive all costs of COVID-19 treatment and testing.
Statistical research shows that Italy could be clear of COVID-19 by mid-May, ten weeks after going into lockdown. The World Health Organization is following Italy’s method in treating the pandemic, and has praised the country’s work to contain it.
Restaurants and hotels are stepping up to feed and house the medical professionals on the front line of this virus.
Ford and GE have pledged to build 50,000 ventilators in Michigan, as Motor City once again becomes the epicenter of American industrialization, even as the city suffers the ravages of the pandemic.
News you need to know
Deaths from COVID-19 in the U.S. surpassed 3,000 on Monday, as the known number of cases doubles every four days.
Despite approval of different tests, there is still no word as to when tests for COVID-19 will become available, and states are clamoring for answers.
New York City has reported more than 36,200 coronavirus cases and 790 deaths as of Monday — making it the center of the US outbreak.
Unemployment claims skyrocket and there are nearly 67 million Americans working in jobs that are at a high risk of layoffs, according to recent analysis.
Data of the day
Quote of the day:
“She was wearing an old summer dress as a nightgown, but in the mornings it could work as a dress again, if you just tossed a cardigan over it and put on shoes. In this risky manner, she knew, insanity could encroach.” ― Lorrie Moore