Last updated: AI takes customer service to the next, best level

AI takes customer service to the next, best level


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When it comes to customer service, there’s little margin for error. Customers expect fast, seamless interactions. If they don’t get the support they need when things go wrong, they will quickly take their business elsewhere.

Fragmented, disconnected channels can fuel this kind of bad customer experience.

If call center agents don’t have a complete view of a customer’s activity and data, it’s pretty hard for them to meet customer expectations.

How can you avoid this? How do you ensure they can provide your customers with consistent, high-quality service across all channels – chat, phone, email, and video?

Leveraging AI for customer service wins

Top companies are honing customer experience by leveraging conversational AI chatbots in their call centers.

Available 24×7, these chatbots can provide customers with quick answers and fast fixes. Advanced language processing makes natural conversations possible.

And they can’t solve the problem, customers are transferred to live agents who are already primed with notes from the AI chat. With a single view of the customer, agents don’t have to switch between screens to solve problems or create sales orders.

Transform the customer experience without additional contact center infrastructure using modern service solutions.

More options. More conditions. More stakeholders. More circling-back.
Modern selling is anything but simple.
Intelligent sales enablement starts HERE.

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