Last updated: Made to order: Customizable commerce, no matter the industry

Made to order: Customizable commerce, no matter the industry


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Each industry and its customer base are unique. A cookie-cutter approach to commerce and CX will only turn off buyers in the era of personalization and trust.

To provide customers with a rewarding experience – no matter your industry – your business needs to make sure its systems and platforms to the customer’s specific requirements.

That’s often easier said than done. Customizing existing commerce applications can be difficult and expensive, while possibly putting your business at risk if you get it wrong.

Commerce, with the customer at the heart

With its industry accelerators, SAP Commerce Cloud solutions can help you meet the unique requirements of your customers.

Customizable solutions ensure a great CX, whether folks are looking for an insurance policy, applying for government permit, or signing up for mobile phone service.

More and more, customers expect a highly personalized experience – there’s a reason the top companies across all industries trust SAP to help them put their customers first.

Amazing every time.

A CX that drives loyalty + bottom lines starts HERE.


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