Last updated: Unlock the power of innovation for sales and service

Unlock the power of innovation for sales and service


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Nothing’s easy in B2B sales and customer service. Sales organizations struggle with complex sales cycles filled with multiple stakeholders. Service teams are under pressure to provide fast, easy fixes and personalized service. And both face growing customer expectations that change constantly.

New technologies offer a way to overcome the complexity. By leveraging the latest sales and service solutions, companies can produce better outcomes and boost customer loyalty to drive consistent business growth.

Leading companies are focused on modernizing their sales and service processes. Consider some stats:

  • A Harvard Business Review report shows that delivering effective and easy-to-use tools and technology is one of the key investment priorities for sales leaders over the next two years.
  • 96% of consumers trust a brand more when companies make it easy to do business with them, according to a Deloitte Digital study.
  • A Gartner survey found that 86% of B2B customers expect companies to be well informed about their personal information when they interact with them.

On April 3, experts from SAP Customer Experience will host a webcast focusing on the latest trends and innovations in sales + service to help organizations deliver the best CX for competitive edge.

2024 Sales and Service Cloud Innovation Spotlight

The webcast will take a deep dive into key elements impacting the B2B landscape and SAP’s vision for the future of AI and automation, which are rapidly transforming sales and service.

In fact, by 2028, 70% of B2B buyers in the US will use generative AI to help them find, evaluate, and choose products and services, according to IDC.

Gartner, meanwhile, predicts that 80% of B2B sales interactions will take place in digital channels by 2025. And according to McKinsey estimates, a fifth of sales sales team functions could be automated.

Sales and service organizations need to keep up by leveraging technology to streamline the work of their sellers and service reps and empower them to deliver exceptional CX with AI-driven guidance and insights. Self-service options provide the flexibility modern buyers demand.

Expert insights +  industry perspective

The April 3 webcast features a panel of industry veterans and SAP experts, including:

  1. Nitin Badjatia, Senior Vice President, SAP CX Solution Management
  2. Renee Wilhelm, Solution Management, SAP Customer Experience
  3. Grant Smith, Product Marketing, SAP Customer Experience
  4. Nikhil Betigeri, Senior Director of Product Management, SAP Customer Experience
  5. Pavithra N, Product Manager, SAP Service Cloud

Each will bring their expertise and perspective, providing valuable insights on the dynamic B2B sales and service landscape. They will also showcase the latest innovations in SAP Sales Cloud and SAP Service Cloud.


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