How AI is transforming the automotive industry – and the customer experience
AI is transforming the auto industry with driver assistance systems and autonomous driving, quality control, and production.
To stay competitive, collaboration is essential. Three years ago, major European automakers and suppliers embraced this concept.
With a €110m (US$120m) investment from the German government, companies such as BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Volkswagen, T-Systems, Bosch, Siemens, ZF Friedrichshafen, SAP, and others came together to launch Catena-X. The goal was to create an open and collaborative data ecosystem to enable end-to-end transparency and unlock value in diverse ways.
The ambition behind Catena-X was to create the first-ever uniform standards for the secure, sovereign, and trustworthy data exchange between car manufacturers, suppliers, dealers, and equipment providers. Basing it on the European cloud data infrastructure Gaia-X meant that participants would have full control over their own data and could adjust who sees what and when as they pleased.
AI is transforming the auto industry with driver assistance systems and autonomous driving, quality control, and production.
Authorities require OEMs to promptly inform them of potential product-safety issues. However, it currently takes six to eight weeks for a Tier X supplier to receive feedback about quality issues from OEMs. To cut that lag, companies are using traceability technology to share information.
Carbon-neutral e-mobility involves a range of practices + solutions across industries, including responsible mining, closed-loop recycling, efficient fleet management, and circular logistics.
That same transparency applies to sustainability. Carbon tracking of a precision that regulators worldwide will soon demand is a prime example.
Establishing standardized product carbon footprint metrics based not on loose industry averages, but rather on measurements—ones valid across an industry with countless vehicle models, each with 30,000+ parts—was a heavy lift indeed.
The partnership with the World Business Council for Sustainable Development was crucial here, as was the development of a “Product Carbon Footprint (PCF) Rulebook” that standardized measurement and reporting to make carbon-emission data comparable across the automotive industry. Among others, Ford and WITTE Automotive are now using the system to track carbon footprints of suspension components.
In these and other ways, a foundation of traceability is boosting automotive supply-chain visibility while enabling new efficiencies and greater agility.
Given the foundations Catena-X has laid and worldwide acceptance already gained, expect to see more lighthouse projects such as Factory-X or Aerospace-X.
Editor’s Note: This article first appeared on Automotive World and is republished here with permission.