Ginger Shimp
Global Content Lead for Industries
Ginger Shimp, Global Content Lead, SAP, is an award-winning marketeer with 25+ years’ B2B experience. She’s a Professional Certified Marketer per the AMA and a Certified Digital Marketing Professional per the Digital Marketing Institute. She’s also earned a Connoisseur’s Certificate in California Reds from the Chicago Wine School. Since 2004 Ginger has helped companies run better by telling — not only the SAP story — but the stories of their customers and their customers’ customers. Developing content, engaging channels, deploying tactics to educate, stimulate interest, and drive demand: Marketing isn’t just what she does, it’s who she is. She often says that technology is changing faster today than it ever has, yet slower than it ever will, and at SAP, they don’t just sell software, she believes they improve people’s lives. SAP customers represent 98% of the top 100 most valued brands in the world. Per Ginger, that’s an awesome responsibility, a humbling privilege, and one heck of an exciting journey.