Last updated: Study: Asia is fastest-growing e-commerce market

Study: Asia is fastest-growing e-commerce market


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The Asian e-commerce market grew more than twice as quickly as the U.S. market in 2012, according to a new report from Internet Retailer.

The data analysis, the Asia 500, shows that Asia’s direct-to-consumer e-commerce sales reached $377.98 billion in 2012.

That’s a 25.9 percent increase over 2011.

Other facts from the new report:

  1. The combined sales of the region’s largest web retailers accounted for nearly 86 percent of all Asia 500 sales in 2012.
  2. Amazon is the largest U.S. retailer represented in the Asia 500 and that sales for that company increased 20.2 percent.
  3. Suning Commerce Group Co. Ltd. is the fastest growing Asia 500 retailer and that company grew sales more than 400 percent.

U.S. retailers like Macy’s Inc. and Wal-Mart Stores Inc. are making inroads in Asia by acquiring or creating joint ventures with Asia-Pacific companies that already have significant e-commerce capabilities.

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