Last updated: ‘Facebook first’ approach is happening with fewer retailers

‘Facebook first’ approach is happening with fewer retailers


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Carol Spickerman, president of Newmarketbuilders, reports that more brands are looking beyond a “Facebook-only approach” to social media and embracing new platforms in creative ways that are driving sales and marketing efforts alike.

Facebook has been a place where innovation has thrived, from allowing purchases on-site to creating new approaches to sharing content. Its reign as the go-to may be coming to a close.

Facebook first can’t stand up to options

Spickerman’s recap of last week’s eTail West conference reveals that marketers are savvier when it comes to social media, of course, but they are also looking at the medium as a “playground of possibilities” for user-generated content.

As user preferences shift, the shrewdest marketers will take note and leave behind the Facebook first mentality in order to reap the benefits of a range of channels and platforms.

User-generated content coming to market

What exactly is user-generated content? It’s the purest form of marketing in that the reviews, presentations, and images are direct from the user. In an age of people seeking reviews more than quotes or pitches, user-generated content is brand gold. It also projects a credibility as the source is from consumers rather than brands.

Many smart brands are using social media as a way to gather marketing images, in particular. She points to streetwear brand Stussy as a good example: That brand recently started using Social Board, an online aggregator, to harness all content with the hashtag “Stussy.” That generated millions of user images. The one-two punch of credible, authentic content that takes nothing more than a search to generate in a way does marketers’ work for them.

What’s the new social media platform to watch? Spickerman says Vine, a micro-video platform owner by Twitter, was on everyone’s lips at eTail West.

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