Marketing tech stack: The unicorn of personalization + great CX
Personalization and engagement are key to business today. By consolidating your marketing tech stack, you create better customer experiences.
We thought it’d be interesting to ask our following question in a survey about customer expectations: “Do you receive the value you perceived when you signed up for these email newsletters from your favorite retail stores?”
Personalization and engagement are key to business today. By consolidating your marketing tech stack, you create better customer experiences.
See some consistency in that feedback? Clearly, the overwhelming volume of email and the poor relevance of the content to each user seem to be broad concerns.
Optimizing for the short-term click or maximizing sales influenced by email doesn’t always align well with that bigger objective and it is important to recognize that and take corrective action.
The call to action for retailers is fairly straight-forward: Build the relationship, foster loyalty by demonstrating clear and consistent value to your consumers and the benefit you derive over the long haul will significantly outdo any short-term gains. Any attempts to short-circuit this path will only alienate your customers.
It is not all gloom and doom however, and one must see this more as an opportunity than a challenge. The willingness to sign up for email is a clear signal that they’d like to see the retailer engage with them, and addressing these concerns opens up huge opportunities to further that relationship.