Last updated: Death, taxes, and rising customer expectations

Death, taxes, and rising customer expectations


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I’m sure you’ve all heard that death and taxes are two things that are certain in life, but marketers and retailers can safely add a third certainty: Rising customer expectations.

From the purchasing journey to product quality, customer service to delivery, from complaints to social responsibility to sustainability, customers expect the very best experience from brands. We’re all consumers ourselves, and when we receive anything less than the best experience, we begin looking for other competitors that meet our expectations.

No easy feat: Brands struggle to meet customer expectations

From the brand side, meeting the rising expectations of customers is easier said than done. Many marketing organizations lack the ability to identify customer opportunities and respond in time with relevant content to address customers’ needs.

However, Home Shopping Europe 24 (HSE24) has found a way to respond to their customers’ needs by empowering their marketers with insights to make quick decisions.

HSE24 is an interactive multichannel retailer. They provide shoppers with live TV shows, and customers can purchase online, over the phone, or on a mobile device. Every year, HSE24 offers more than 20,000 products – most of them exclusive – in the fashion, jewelry, beauty, and home and living segments. HSE24 runs targeted marketing campaigns to specific customers with personalized product sets so the customer has the highest propensity to purchase.

In order to accomplish this, HSE24 needed a way to gain actionable insights from large volumes of transactional data in their multiple systems. They also needed to empower the marketing department with self-service analytics to gain performance insights, customer profiling capabilities, and the ability to develop highly personalized marketing campaigns without the dependencies on the business intelligence and IT groups.

HSE24 used the SAP Marketing Cloud solution to pull multiple customer data sources together in one view. Maximizing the analytical capabilities of the solution, the marketing team can easily analyze, identify, and segment customer groups quickly.

The can also execute personalized marketing activities, leveraging the individual shopper’s purchase history and interests to make the offers more relevant and personalized. Since HSE24 started using one view of real-time marketing information, they’ve experienced a 30% increase in net sales, 4% increase in repeat purchases, and 20x faster campaign execution.

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