Per my last email: Corporate speak decoded
Align with this content to derive the optimal synergies needed to get through your day. This is not outside your scope of work, and you DO have the bandwidth for it.
As many of us have spent well over two years working from home, our pets have become our best office buddies. They keep us company, brighten down days, and break up Teams and Zoom fatigue.
To kick off your Friday, we put together some fun, furry, and feathery WFH friends from Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok.
Align with this content to derive the optimal synergies needed to get through your day. This is not outside your scope of work, and you DO have the bandwidth for it.
Who doesn't wanna be in the Zoom where it happens? Covering email replies you wish you could send, corporate life, and leadership, you'll wanna read these Hamilton quotes for work.
From laughter to loss, fright to fearlessness, and mechanical-fisted reigns to rebellion, we've got a good feeling about these quotes from Star Wars.