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Trademark Usage for Partners and Other Third Parties
SAP partners and other third parties can mention the names of SAP offerings when describing their compatibility with their own programs or applications. But they cannot include the name “SAP,” a logo of SAP, a trademark of SAP, the name of an SAP offering or similar variations into their own names.
When referring to product compatibility, the partner must make a clear distinction between their products or services and those of SAP. The name of their offering and the name of the SAP offering must be clearly distinguishable from one another either visually (font size, color, type, or weight) or in wording. This can be done in a variety of ways in running text and in headlines, signs, or other materials.
In addition, the partner company name should be mentioned in connection with the product name when possible.
Compatibility References Within Running Text
In text sentences, you may use phrases such as the following to refer to your offering’s compatibility with SAP software:
- “for use with…”
- “designed for use with…”
- “runs on…”
- “compatible with…”
However, you must take care to use them appropriately, as demonstrated in the following examples.
< Your company name> <your product name> is designed for use with SAP® R/3®.
< Your company name> <your product name> is compatible with SAP® R/3®.
Do not use any grammatical construction that implies the SAP trademark or SAP offering name is part of your offering’s name.
< Your company name> <your product name> provides extended functionality for users of SAP® ERP.
< Your company name> <your product name> for SAP® ERP provides extended functionality.
The above example is unacceptable because the reader could interpret your product name to be “<Your product name> for SAP ERP.” Change any such construction to clearly separate and distinguish your offering name from the SAP trademark.
Compatibility References Within Headlines, Signage, Packaging, Labels, and Other Materials
It is particularly important to avoid making your product name appear to include an SAP trademark or an SAP offering name when the reference is in a title or headline, trade show signage, product packaging, CD label, or any other material.
Within headlines, signage, and other materials, you may use phrases such as the following to refer to your offering’s compatibility with SAP software:
- “for…”
- “for use with…”
- “designed for use with…”
- “runs on…”
- “compatible with…”
However, you must always clearly visually differentiate your product name from the compatibility reference to an SAP offering.
< Your company name> <your product name> for SAP® Business Suite
< Your company name> <your product name> for SAP® Business Suite
< Your company name> <your product name> for Use with SAP® ERP
To correct this, use a type size for the SAP offering name that is noticeably smaller than the type size for your offering name. Or use a different font or a different style, such as italics, for the SAP name.
< Your company name> <your product name> for SAP® Business Suite
< Your company name> <your product name> for Use with SAP® ERP
The above examples are acceptable because your product name and the compatibility references “for SAP® Business Suite” and “for Use with SAP® ERP are visually set apart.
Another option would be to place your product name in the title and to show the compatibility reference as a subtitle in a different type size, font, or style.
Self-Test for Avoiding Unacceptable Practices
Consider the following questions to determine if a particular product or service name, compatibility reference, marketing communication, or packaging may pose a problem to SAP and its trademarks:
- Does your product or service name include an SAP trademark or an SAP offering name or similar variations of these?
- Do you use an SAP trademark or an SAP offering name in a way that gives the impression that the SAP trademark or SAP offering name is part of your product or service name?
- Do you use just the term “for SAP” to refer to product compatibility?
- Does your offering name, or the usage in question, lead anyone to believe your offering is developed, endorsed, or authorized by SAP?
- Does your communication material show any logos of SAP (or variations of them) other than your permitted SAP Partner logo, your permitted SAP Certified Integration logo, or your permitted “Powered by SAP NetWeaver” endorsement logo?
If the answer to any of these questions is “Yes,” then you should change your product or service name, the compatibility reference, your marketing communication, or packaging to reflect proper usage.
Using the Phrase “Powered by”
Only use the phrase “powered by” in the “Powered by SAP NetWeaver” context. Do not use “powered by” to describe compatibility with other SAP offerings.
< Your company name> <your product name> is powered by SAP® Business Suite.
If you have questions regarding trademarks and/or logo usage, please contact trademarks@sap.com.