Last updated: SAP Customer Experience LIVE 2020: Join us!

SAP Customer Experience LIVE 2020: Join us!


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Like everything else this year, SAP Customer Experience LIVE 2020 has been reshaped by the events we’re experiencing. We recognize the reality of digital fatigue, and the need for businesses to transform and future-proof themselves no matter what comes next.

We’ll be streaming a few hours of content live, then offering hours of on-demand content that you can select based on your interests.

With all the options buyers have today, delivering the kind of customer experience they expect is absolutely critical. But when business conditions are constantly changing, how can you meet your customers’ expectations?

More than anything, this year has demonstrated how critical agility and flexibility are.

That’s why we’re bringing our customers and partners together with industry leaders in a digital experience you don’t want to miss.

Join us for an interactive and exciting event to explore best practices on how to deliver personal, trusted, and connected customer experiences.

SAP Customer Experience LIVE 2020: An overview

At #SAPCXLIVE, you’ll hear how leading companies stay nimble to navigate changes in the business landscape.

But that’s not all.

You’ll get the scoop on new product innovations and roadmaps across:

  1. Commerce
  2. Customer data
  3. Sales
  4. Marketing
  5. Service

You’ll have the opportunity to network with your peers in our virtual lounge.

Have product questions? You can get answers from our experts.

With regional spotlights and breakout tracks, there’s something for everyone.

But we also know how critical it is for businesses to adapt to the changes happening on social and personal fronts.

Employees around the world are overwhelmed by days filled with hours of video conferencing. They’re also struggling to draw a line as to when their work days start and end, as traditional work hours have seemingly evaporated.

It’s difficult for people to bring their whole selves to the digital office as we’re experiencing incredible social upheaval. The inequities and injustices of our world have been laid bare, forcing brands to consider what they stand for as consumers begin to use the power of the wallet to boycott businesses that don’t align with their beliefs.

For these reasons, we’ll also have health and wellness primers, as well as a discussion on diversity, inclusion, and purpose.

Oh, and we have some fun surprises in store.

Amazing every time.

A CX that drives loyalty + bottom lines starts HERE.

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