Per my last email: Corporate speak decoded
Align with this content to derive the optimal synergies needed to get through your day. This is not outside your scope of work, and you DO have the bandwidth for it.
Working in the corporate world has its ups and downs. As you get ready for the weekend, here are five posts that provide humorous and revealing takes on corporate life.
Corporate speak has a meaning all its own.
Align with this content to derive the optimal synergies needed to get through your day. This is not outside your scope of work, and you DO have the bandwidth for it.
TikTok provides a wealth of translation services.
Words aren’t always needed.
The CIA Simple Sabotage Field Manual detailed how to subvert an organization with "purposeful stupidity." Some might call the 1944 publication a timeless corporate wonder.
Lots of people found comfort from the light-hearted Ted Lasso television show, including the workplace wisdom offered by the crusty Roy Kent character.
Through Ted Lasso's Roy Kent, we can see the power of teamwork and empathy. Learn leadership lessons from one of TV's most colorful characters.
Another popular television show provided professional development insight that would give corporate consultants a run for their money.
The world, whether it's Marvel Comic Universe or our own, has infinite characters with storylines that overlap, contradict, and evolve.
Sometimes Friday can’t come soon enough.